Friday, June 5, 2015

5 Reasons Tom Delonge Should Work With Us On Our UFO Project

Many know Tom Delonge as the founding guitarist of Blink 182. But what we know him as, is an all around bad ass who shares an affinity for the UFO phenomena. While he's moved on from Blink now, he has another side that many don't even know about. Tom has always been a firm believer in exterrestrial life existing, them visiting us, as well as government cover-ups on the subject. He's dedicated a part of his life attempting to expose the truth behind the possibility of aliens existing, and even created a website called Strange Times.

In an interview he did with Michael Tedder of Papermag, he explains, "What's funny, two decades ago when I got into this, it was such a "the world is flat" scenario, and here's Tom running around about UFOs and they'd just laugh it off. But now, NASA is holding symposiums on the inevitability of finding life in the universe. The Vatican is talking about, yes, there's life out there, and how it interferes or doesn't interfere with the church's view of existence." He Continues, "You have to understand, I've been involved in this for a long time. I have sources from the government. I've had my phone tapped. I've done a lot of weird stuff in this industry -- people wouldn't believe me if I told them. But this is what happens when you start getting on an email chains with hundreds of scientists from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and different universities around the country, and you start outing seniors scientists from Lockheed Martin talking about the reality of this stuff, guys that hold 30 patents, guys that work underground out in the Nevada test sites in Area 51. It goes far beyond just saying, "Hey, that little light in the sky, that's a little green man." That doesn't lend the right gravity to the topic."

As many of you know,  have been working on cutting edge projects since a very young age, that were created to provoke thought where most don't dare to go. Historically speaking, TGFTV is known for consistently producing films that push the envelope. Our goal is to push the boundaries of everyday thinking by really looking at commonly known phenomena, using outside-of-the-box concepts. We ask the questions many don't dare to ask.

When doing these projects, we look for people who have extensive knowledge about the subjects we're covering. Which is where Tom comes into play. His extensive knowledge, we feel, would make him an asset to this film we're trying to produce called, "Believe". Not only are we huge fans of his, we also highly respect his stance on the possibility of alien life forms existing. Our goal is to reach the TRUTH.

When I asked Connor Hopkins why he thought Tom Delonge would be the perfect fit for this film he explained to me, "When it comes to this type of documentary, we wanna go balls to the wall. What we do isn't a "made for TV" style type of documentary. We want to put the real truth out there, gunning full speed. You can't get raw and gritty when you're trying to put information out there and networks are telling you what you can, and cannot out put out there. Tom is known as that punk- grungy type of guy and that style is exactly what we want to represent. We don't give a fuck. We want to choose how we're represented, not a network."

He offers me his concept board to look at for references, and I am blown away. I'm presented with a storyboard of a dry desert landscapes in a stark contrasting black, grey, and white, moving to a deep cinematic cityscape with tall buildings illuminated against a blackeded sky. It clearly demonstrates to me the industrial- grungy vibe, he spoke of earlier. I can honestly say being able to see things in the bigger scheme of things, in a literal dramatic concept such as this, is quite impressive.

He continues, "We'd love to have Tom on this project not only because of who he is, but because he has a lot of knowledge on the subject, and he knows a lot of people who can give us the gritty information we're not going to find anywhere else. That's what we are looking to present. I think if we're going to get the most truth, going in that direction is the  only way to go..."

"Believe" is still early in it's stages, but it's clear that there is a definite clear-cut path on how  Connor visualizes it go down. Check out our concept trailer here:

And now....
5 reasons we believe Tom Delonge should work with us:


And we've got what it takes to produce a quality film.

As previously mentioned, TGFTV has been consistent in producing quality films that will strike the very nerve center of truth seeking. Whether it's been Ghosts, Sasquatch, or Aliens...we're always trying our best to find out the truth behind the phenomena. With films like Lady in White A Brush With Evil, and Yes, No, Goodbye we're always looking to seek knowledge that will advance the communities in which we are looking for answers.

2. WE'VE PAID OUR DUES. is a combined effort of many who've been looking for answers for a long time now. Whether it's investigating, researching, filming, producing or interviewing- we've dedicated a huge portion of our time and lives to our craft. started with a group of kids who weren't afraid to push boundaries, to get answers to the questions everyone was asking, "Does this phenomena exist?" Some of us have been pursuing these answers since the ages of 15-16, and the desire to know has not wavered. We are just as dedicated today to bring these answers to light, as we were when we were teens. While our team has grown and matured a lot over the years, our goal is still the same: FIND ANSWERS.

The original G.H.O.S.T. Files team


I think it's fair to say every one us who are working on these projects in any facet, have appreciated Tom as both a truth seeker, as well as a well known musician. C'mon, it's "All the....small things....true care...truth brings....................."


Photo by Albert Sanchez



Did we mention we're into truth? 

And we want you, Tom, to be a part of our project "Believe". Please, let our people talk to your people...okay we don't have people, we're it. But you have to trust us that we won't disappoint. Please allow us the opportunity to be a voice with you, and help to expose what others need to know about the extraterrestrial phenomena.

Here's some of our past related projects from

Watch "Disclosure" Here
Check out our Series "Aliens Exist" Here

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